Hugo extended

Hugo extended

Well, did you know, that there’s a build of Hugo that’s built with extended tag? I did, but every single build I installed from all package managers did have that flag.

But the prebuilt archive for arm Linux did not…

The problem

I added a CSS background animation, as you can see. But for whatever reason, the css for it was not built. The built site did not have any of the modified css. It worked on my PC, it worked on my laptop, but why did it not work on the server?

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Search in Hugo

Well, it’s not a good blog website if you can’t search on it, right? So I decided to implement a search bar.

Search on a static website

Indexing your static site is probably the hardest part of doing search. You can either use some JS script where the client will index the site or you can index it on the server after you generate the site.

Well Pagefind is the second one. It makes our job easy, because you only need to setup a site where your search will be and then you only need to run one command to create the index.

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Creating my website

Today I finally decided to create my website. I was learning for school and I needed a break, so I decded to take a look into static site generators.

Why static site generators?

Well, I love how you can have the best of both worlds. You can easily add/modify/remove content, as on dynamic sites, but you still have blazingly fast loading times, as with static sites.

Docusaurus vs Hugo

I already knew Docusaurus. I used to create a simple documentation for one project I’m doing with my friends and it’s great for that. But creating a nice looking static site that doesn’t have the “documentation” wibes would require me to learn React, which I don’t know. I probably will learn it, but it’s not a “quickly create a website” solution.

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