Here are some of the projects I am/have been working on:
  • A bash script for managing your Minecraft server with ease!
  • 🧠 Set the server memory, pick your Minecraft version and server type (Fabric or Paper), and even select a specific server build.
  • Take your shell game to the next level!
  • 🎨 Powerlevel10k themes for a sleek look
  • 🚀 Fast git status display in prompt
  • 📂 dirhistory to quickly navigate through previously accessed directories.
  • 🔀 zsh-z for quick jumps around the filesystem
  • 🚪 sshc for quick and easy ssh server connections
Astronvim Config
  • Config for Neovim: VSCode-like functionality in the terminal, no RAM or CPU overhead!
  • 🌟 Based on AstroNvim
  • 🔌 Plugins for LaTeX, Markdown preview, PlantUML, colorful comments, debugger, PlatformIO, autosave, and more.
  • 💻 Works anywhere you can install Neovim and Lua and works great over SSH!
  • 🚀 Starts quickly in just about 25ms!
Dead projects
  • Docker-DocumentServer
    • This was a Docker image that ran a modified version of Onlyoffice Documentserver
    • It was meant to allow running the server (x86_64 only) on a Raspberry Pi (4) (arm64)
    • I also added a script that set higher upload limits, provided a nice template docker-compose.yml and a todo guide on setting up secret keys with Nextcloud
  • Patched archlinux toolchan builds
    • These were in the dark times when Arch had a really outdated version of GlibC. Some packages I used from AUR (they were ported from Fedora) were built with newer versionof GlibC than available on Arch and the AUR packages didn’t build.
    • I made a hotfix (just added a compiler flag) so that the packages would build and that was it.
    • Never really intended to maintain it, it was just a one-off thing just to make like 2 packages work